The Treasure of Pirate Dad
“C’mon boys,” my father urged, “time to get up.” My brother and I slowly came to life. “I’ve found a treasure map,” he continued, “but we’ve got to start right now — before the pirates come back for the treasure.” It was a sunny morning in the summer of 1964 and we were vacationing near […]
The Bloodhounds That Saved Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and at the North Pole Every darn reindeer had the flu – or a cold; Santa’s sleigh was jam packed, and none too light But with no healthy reindeer there would be no Christmas flight; The reindeer were nestled all snug in their beds, While double doses of Ny-Quil […]
How I Write
Writing is simple. Here is my step-by-step guide. First, use the bathroom. Unless you have an overactive bladder or IBS, you shouldn’t have to go again for at least one hour. Thus, you have already eliminated one possible excuse you might otherwise use to justify not writing. Second, find a quiet place where family, friends, […]
Nuclear Weasel Mist

The scent of tobacco from a man’s pipe, Pine martens scour my sink with steel wool, Chester Allen Arthur was not a snipe, But for a time he had some pull. When was Casey at the bat? My friend drove drunk and had to pick up litter; Would Mudville have been better off With […]
The Taco of Writing
Writers and other creative types hear a lot about Taoism these days. Walk into any bookstore and you’ll find books on everything from the Tao of drawing to the Tao of Pooh. And there are several quotes from Lao-tzu in Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I’m a big fan of Lao-tzu, the Chinese philosopher credited with […]