On May 24, 2012, a District Judge in Larimer County awarded one of TCLG’s clients nearly 4.2 million dollars on claims for breach of contract and intentional interference with contract. TCLG’s client, Optimus, Inc., is a Fort Collins based software company that had successfully competed for a Defense Logistics Agency contract for many years. Optimus filed suit in 2007 after a key employee left to work for a competitor in violation of a non-compete agreement. After hiring Optimus’ former employee, the competitor won the DLA contract. The two-week trial took place in December of 2011. The judgment included 1.9 million dollars in punitive damages against the competitor. The court also ordered defendants to pay some of Optimus’ attorney’s fees because of a motion the Court determined the Defendants had filed in bad faith. The defendants were represented by a team of lawyers that included several from large Denver law firms and one listed as a “Super Lawyer” in the Super Lawyers publication.