Mark Colen

Billionaire Elon Musk recently challenged billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to a "cage match."
Zuckerberg took the bait and responded to the challenge (on Instagram) by writing, "Send me location."
This proposed event between the 52-year-old Musk and the 39-year-old Zuckerberg is a pathetic stunt set in motion by two egomaniacs whose lust for publicity far exceeds their experience in combative sports and their athletic ability. The reasons this proposed stunt is an awful idea are many.
Reasons why this proposed stunt is an awful idea:
First, combative sports bouts (boxing, MMA, Muy Thai, etc.) take place within weight categories to ensure competitive matches and for the safety of the participants. Musk is roughly six feet tall and weighs between 185 and 200 pounds. Zuckerberg stands 5’7” and weighs about 155 pounds. If these two were not famous billionaires, no reputable organization would sanction this event.
Second, neither man has significant experience in combative sports. Though both have dabbled in martial arts, neither earned a belt, much less a black belt, in any martial art, and neither participated in any combative sport as a professional. Zuckerberg once won a few medals in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the white belt lightweight division. Neither has credible experience in any combative sport, and any man of comparable size with any significant amateur experience would humiliate them in a true match.
Third, this stunt sets a horrible example for all people, especially young people. Musk’s own father described his son’s challenge to Zuckerberg as, “high school behavior.” In a nation already bitterly divided in so many ways, it’s sad that two men who could work together to set an example can’t think of a better way to use their talents and money. What if, instead of engaging in a billionaire’s version of WWE, they teamed up to do something constructive? Just to take a random example, what if they teamed up to prevent Russia from using their respective social media platforms to spread disinformation and interfere in American elections? Instead, these two faux tough guys have concocted a scheme to feed their egos by engaging in a sort of penis measurement contest. Musk even called Zuckerberg a “cuck.” Wow. In my experience as a martial arts instructor, men who talk tough can rarely fight. I pay attention to the quiet ones.
Finally, this pathetic stunt between one middle-aged man and another approaching middle age dishonors athletes across America that train hard day in and day out to improve their skills and their lot in life. It’s disrespectful. Musk and Zuckerberg should be ashamed, and they owe every athlete that participates in combative sports an apology.
If this stunt takes place, there will be no winner, just a very public display of two losers. I doubt either could generate enough power to inflict a fatal blow on the other, but, being an optimist, there’s always a chance they might simultaneously knock each other out, just like Rocky and Apollo Creed. Now, that would be something to tweet about.
Mark Cohen is a former karate instructor and serves on the Colorado Combative Sports Commission (formerly the Colorado Boxing Commission). His opinions are his own, and do not represent those of the Commission.